Sunday, November 1, 2015

A new curriculum

ISPP has established a new organization and a new teaching program with regards to foreign languages, for grades 2-5. Starting this year, programs will no longer be defined according to grades of students, but by the level acquired of the target foreign language of each student.

The language skills criteria
The students will be grouped according to the following 5 levels: new to the additional language, early acquisition of the additional language, becoming familiar with the additional language, becoming competent in the additional language, and finally, becoming fluent in the additional language.
Each of these levels implicates a certain level of language skills, especially listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

For example, within a grade 5 class, there may be students who are at the level “new to the additional language”, because they have only recently started learning French. There may also be students who are advanced in the “becoming competent in the additional language” level, because they've learned French for several years, or perhaps traveled to a French-speaking country.

The objective of this program is to help students develop new abilities, and achieve higher levels of linguistic skills over their course of their schooling. They will be evaluated through formative, as well as summative assessments, according to the defined criteria of their personal level.

The 4 units of teaching 
All students from grade 2 to 5, work on 4 units of common education. They also benefit from personalized help, according to their level, needs, interests, etc.
These 4 units are rich in content, resources, educational tools, as well as teaching strategies which will ensure the development of well-founded knowledge, which will in turn serve as a trampoline to MYP.

To summarize, these 4 units are:
Unit 1: “All about me”: this unit allows for personal presentation, especially moral, physical, nationality, preferences, as well as family and pets.

Unit 2: “A day in my life”: this unit studies day-to-day routine, as well as objects and actions encountered in day-to-day life.

Unit 3: “Who are you?”: This unit provides tools for the description of others, especially physical, professional, activity, and health descriptions.

Unit 4: “My dream holidays”: This unit offers students the possibility to learn about many different aspects, particularly cultural, as well as vacation activities, destinations, and transportation methods.
This new personalized program brings a new approach to the teaching of foreign languages at ISPP, and hopes to serve as a trampoline towards your child's success and fulfillment.

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