The PYP prepares students to become active, caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate respect for themselves and others and have the capacity to participate in the world around them.
It focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both within and beyond the classroom. Language is for sure involved in all learning and is an essential vehicle for inquiry and the construction of meaning. It provides an intellectual framework to support a conceptual development and critical thinking.
As a PYP teacher, I plan learning experiences that enable students to develop language within meaningful and enjoyable contexts, students are able to make connections, apply their learning, and transfer their conceptual understanding to new situations.
In grade 2 and 3, oracy (listening, speaking and spoken interaction) has a more prominent place in language learning than most, if not other, areas of the curriculum. The children spend much of their time listening, speaking and interacting orally in simple conversations and are given regular and frequent exposure to a good model of pronunciation.
In grade 4 and 5, they can write simple sentences, often using a frame or model to help them structure meaning.
Moreover, language competence and intercultural understanding are an essential part of being a citizen. Learning a new language inevitably and naturally brings children into contact of aspects of the culture of other countries and enhances their open-mindedness.
For sure, I will do my best so that you kid will have good basis for his MYP. Click here to know more about the MYP.
For sure, I will do my best so that you kid will have good basis for his MYP. Click here to know more about the MYP.
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