Thursday, October 8, 2015

What's up in France? Read Le petit quotidien...

To discover the news in France and learn more about this “one genius at drawing” (un géni du dessin) and know more about his skills (qualifications) and drawings (dessins), please read the number 449 of a pretty good French newspaper. 
Click here. 

Do you like to draw? Est-ce que tu aimes dessiner?
What do you draw? Qu'est-ce que tu dessines?

Dear reading group, after reading this article, answer these 5 questions please.
1.     Where was he born?
2.     Is that true that he draws very fast? Quote your answer from the text.
3.     In the future, what will be his occupation?
4.     What kind of book is he creating?
5.     Is he still using picture to copy?


  1. Danica, Morakod, Kelly, Kunveheada:

    1. Deux passions sont la photographie et l'illustration.
    2. Il y a 300 millions de gens qui suivent sur Instagram.
    3. Aux Etats-unis, en Norvège, au Brésil, aux Royaume-Unis, en Uruguay et en Suisse.
    4. Il habite au Royaume- Uni.
    5. Autonome que veut dire libre, qui né dépend de personne.

  2. Molly,Helen and Manivann
    1 he was born in Serbia
    2 he does not draw fast. Sometimes it takes him 15 days. " Certains Dessins me prennant beaucoup de temps. J'ai mis 15 jours a faire celui-ci."
    3 when he grows up he wants to be a zoologist.
    4 he is going to write a book about prehistory.
    5 he uses his imagination more than copying pictures.

  3. Siwon, Jovenna and Karen:

    1. Dusan est né en Serbie
    2 Non. "Certains dessins me prennent beaucoup de temps. J'ai mis 15 jours à faire celui-ci."
    3 Un zoologiste
    4. Un livre sur la préhistoire.
    5. Non

  4. Jovenna, Mia and Iben:
    Question 1. He was born in Serbia
    Question 2. Some designs take long to draw.
    Question 3. He wants to be a zoologist because he over animals
    Question 5. He used to in the beginning but now he is using his imagination.

    Question four we didn't find the answer.
