Thursday, December 17, 2015

What's up in France? Read Le Petit Quotidien...

To discover the news in France and to discover why football could promote peace, please read the number 4553 of a pretty good French newspaper. 

 After reading this article, what's happened during the First World War?

Après la lecture de cet article, qu'est-ce qui est arrivé pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale?

Les étoiles de la semaine

This week (December, 14-18), the stars are:
Cette semaine (14-18 décembre), les étoiles sont
- gr 2: Jodie because she brought a French book to share with us what did she learned
- gr 3: Oceana because she has been very involved in the COP 21 project and shared with us some ecological NGO projects she knows.
- gr 4: Teppi for presenting very well his own poster about his own resolution for the climate 
- gr 5: Varnika as she worked alone to understand an authentic French article 

What's up in France? Read Le Petit Quotidien...

To discover the news in France and know who is Rafu, please read the number 4551 of a pretty good French newspaper. 

 After reading this article, who is Rafu? What happened to it?
Après la lecture de cet article, qui est Rafu? Qu'est-ce qui lui est arrivé?

What's up in France? Read Le Petit Quotidien...

To discover the news in France and to know more about Fatima's daily life, please read the number 4544 of a pretty good French newspaper. 

 After reading this article, what do you have learned about Fatima's routine?
Après la lecture de cet article, qu'est-ce que tu as appris sur la routine de Fatima?

Friday, December 11, 2015

Tomoki (Gr 3) is passionate by stag beatles...

Thanks to Tomoki for bringing this amazing stag beatles (un lucarne cerf-volant), an insect quite unknown in France! 
And you, do you like insects? or do you fear them?
Et toi, est-ce que tu aimes les insectes? ou est-ce que tu as peur d'eux?

Friday, December 4, 2015

What's up in France? Read Le Petit Quotidien...

To discover the news in France and to know more about the use of trees for modern skylines construction, please read the number 4537 of a pretty good French newspaper. 

 After reading this article, what do you have learned about the trees?
Après la lecture de cet article, qu'est-ce que tu as appris sur les arbres?

Dear reading group, after reading this article, anwer these 5 questions please: 
1. Where do these modern skylines have been built?
2. How do we know how old is a tree?
3. What are the 2 main trees categories?
4. What does the word: " pépinière" means?
5. What animals can be founded near to that buildings?

What's up in France? Read Le Petit Quotidien...

 To discover the news in France and to know more about amazing sculptures at Sidney, please read the number 4538 of a pretty good French newspaper. 
Which sculpture do you prefer? Why?
Quelle sculpture est-ce que tu préfères? Pourquoi?

What's up in France? Read Le Petit Quotidien...

To discover the news in France and to know more about the origins of new inventions useful in our daily life, please read the number 4541 of a pretty good French newspaper. 

After reading this article, answer please these questions in French:
1. Quel animal le premier homme imite?
2. font les singes quand ils ont mal à l'estomac?
3. En quelle année le scratch (ou le velcro) a été inventé?
4. De quoi est fait la peau du requin?

5. Que veut dire "grimper"? 

C"est bon...

 " C'est bon..." What does it mean? When do you use this expression?